Start at Home


For the last four years, much of America and the world has been trying to figure out what this country stands for. The question is often framed by the results of the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

Has the last four years been an aberration, or something more?

I don’t know. What I do know is that when searching for an answer of this kind it is most helpful to begin at home, where the issues are familiar and the history has been with you your entire life. That’s why I began my look at America In Transition here in Connecticut, where I grew up and have lived for most of my life.

Here on the east coast is where the story of modern America began and that story is still evolving.

Friday, I’ll be posting the first part in a multi-part series that will try to get at the questions of what we stand for, as a nation, and what the people of the United States expect from their government.