The Old Ways Are Best


This is one of those scenes from India that are both quaint and frustrating.

There is something heart warming and perhaps a little heart breaking about seeing a man using a donkey or other work animal to haul a large load of something somewhere, but it is also frustrating that so many people in India are living this last century lifestyle in such a modern era.

Note the signs in the background advertising mobile phone service.

As you can see this shot was taken on a road meant for cars and trucks and the picture itself was taken from the back seat of the car I was riding in. Later on that morning I passed a series of camels being used to haul firewood down a road that would be the equivalent in size of an American interstate. It’s considered normal. And while I am on the subject, wrong way drivers are considered normal in India as well. It happens all the time without regard for how it effects normal traffic.

Life, Countries, placesdean pagani