The door to the future.
Most of you probably don’t know this, but when I bought the house I’m currently living in I named it “Inflection Point.” There’s a sign on the front corner with the name and the date the house was built: 1864.
I gave the house that name for a number of reasons. First, it reflected where I was in my own life. Second, I collect business speak cliches and “inflection point” is one of them. Depending on your emphasis, it can mean we are at a turning point, or it could be an actual place name. It all depends on your inflection. Finally, since the house was built toward the end of the Civil War there is some historical relevance.
As we enter the final three months of the year I have reached another inflection point in my life and so this little note to readers is illustrated with photographs from my little patch of the United States.
It is only October, but I am already looking ahead to next year. I have plans for 2024 and I will share more about those plans toward the end of the year and in January. Some of the plans I’ve been quietly working on since the start of 2023. Others are still ideas turning into plans. They include:
Reconstituting this website and opening up new channels to share my work
Reconstructing the photography business I began just before Covid and put on hold after I entered the world of teaching during the pandemic
A return to world travel
The more mundane things that are on most people’s new year to do list - some of which I’ve been working on for two years
I don’t want to say much more than that now, because I want to keep things under wraps until I know they are for real. Suffice to say, if you have any interest, you should stay tuned. Despite my advancing age, I am not done. Now is no time to quit.
The November edition of TDM will be devoted to the black and white work of the last year. The December edition will reflect back on the best projects of 2023. In January we open the door to what I hope will be another inflection point in my career and life.