Covert Location


The store stands at a corner on Calle de Santa Isabel in Madrid.

From here you can walk to the Gran Via, Plaza de Espana or Retiro Park. You are surrounded by authentic Madrid and the Madrid that caters to visitors from around the world.

La Fugitiva is a bookstore and coffee shop. They also serve tea. The inventory is mostly Spanish, but some bring their own books in their own language, find a quiet corner, order a coffee and read while enveloped by the smell of old paper, ink and dust.

The store is a deliberate mess inside and out. It is the kind of place a character in a Woody Allen movie brings a girl on their first date or retreats to after their break up. It is the kind of place where notes are passed by spies and revolutionaries. As you leaf through the books you may find one tucked between page 267 and 268 of the signed copy of La Catedral del Mar.