
Off Broadway ~ NYC

Off Broadway ~ NYC


This week in photography…

Last weekend a Super Blood Wolf Moon was visible throughout the United States. It was the last total lunar eclipse until 2021. Social media was flooded with images of the event, but one photograph - a composite - stands out as getting most of the attention after going viral.

Jason Weingart put the image together featuring six images of the moon as it rose through the night sky. He began photographing and building his composite when the moon was first visible the night of January 20 and finished up his work around midnight.

How he did it is explained in an article on


Apple is running a photography contest searching for photos taken with its iPhone. Winners will be paid and about a dozen of the best photos will be featured in Apple’s marketing campaign.


The New York Times’ Lens blog looked back this week on the life and career of wire service photographer Desmond Boylan, who died in December. The article includes many of his photos that were carried by publications around the world and discusses the changes in technology that have made news photography so challenging.


Coming Monday I will take a look back at the life and career of photographer George Ruhe, who died in a boating accident at the end of last year. He was a unique photographic character I got to know while he was stringing for the New York Times.